Hidden Results You Never Knew You Were Getting

May 18, 2017

Let me give you a scenario.  I had a wonderful client that trained 2-3 days a week for over 3 years.  In the first year, she lost about 6-8kgs and felt slimmer in her skinny jeans and more positive with her body image.  The last 2 years we trained together, she stopped seeing the results on the scale and was getting a bit disappointed that she wasn’t “losing weight”.    

This client was in her mid-50’s and hadn’t weight trained in years prior to training with me.  With her new routine and new found strength, she was becoming fitter each month, she was keeping old injuries at bay, and she was looking better and better every time she put on a new outfit.  Her body composition had changed drastically and anyone who hadn’t seen her in years was always commenting at how fit she looked.  I could see it in her complexion and with the way she walked, she was looking and feeling great!  

But what we had stopped seeing was the weight loss on the scales, and she felt a bit disappointed and discouraged.  Unfortunately, she just wasn’t seeing the big picture of all the other benefits.

So I changed her perspective.

I asked her to picture herself 3 years earlier.  She was chubbier, lacked energy and felt out of shape.  She had shoulder pain and occasional lower back pain.  She was also gaining weight consistently, about 2-3kg each year.  By starting a good exercise routine, she was able to reverse most of this. 

Then I asked her a very important question:  What if she hadn’t  made these changes?  Where would she have been 3 years later?  Most likely another 6-10kg heavier, feeling even lazier and slower, and probably dealing with her lower back pain and shoulder issues she struggled with over the past 15 years.  Not to mention not being able to keep up with her new grandchild.

So rather than thinking that your results aren’t enough, think about where you would be if you hadn’t started a new routine. 

Even if you aren’t dropping weight on the scales, your body is a much happier and healthier machine when you include a regular strength and cardiovascular training program.  Don’t take it for granted!

If you are ready to get started, train with us today!

Better posture.  Better life.

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join us today!


Train on your time, and in your space.  Whether that’s a quiet room in your house before everyone else wakes up, or in your lounge room with your roommate.  The convenience of your on-demand membership will give you one less stop on your way home, and more time to spend doing other things you love.

YOU have the power to ensure your body is getting what it needs.  YOU can choose what workout your body is craving each day.  Do you need a milder workout, maybe something low impact?  If you did a full body workout yesterday, try a mobility session today.  New mum? Try one of our postnatal sessions or a stretch and release.  And If you are ready to step things up a notch, go for 3-4 sessions a week.It’s up to YOU. 

More about jozervas@gmail.com

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